
Thursday, 20 July 2017



  At first glance, being prideful may appear as a strength.
  In truth, pride is synonymous with self-praise and self-importance, which means prideful people may have difficulty seeing their own shortcomings.

  If you are prideful, you may view yourself as better than others.

In the end, Pride can rain Relationships and stump self-growth. Overcome your pride by acknowledging this bad habit eliminating self-consciousness and replacing it with humility.


OWN UP TO YOUR MISTAKES: If you are a prideful person you may have trouble admitting when you are wrong.

  In a way, everyone has some difficulty taking ownership for mistakes.

  You might deny responsibility Because the act of being wrong doesn't align with your self concept, But admitting you are wrong is not a weakness. It's simply a part of being human.

  Learn to admit the mistake, and apologize/rectify when you are wrong. Simply say, I apologise, that was my mistake. Doing so will help you retain relationships and may even benefit your personal growth.

LOSE THE DEFENSIVENESS: In a way, excessive pride places you on shaky ground because you are always fearful of losing favour or status

  Because of this instability, you might be quick to depend. Defensiveness makes you appear inflexible and insecure. It also shots down the lines of communication.

  Work on accepting criticism as a learning experience, Taking things  personally makes it difficult to reflect and improve.

TAKE MORE RISKS: Pride makes you self-conscious, As a result you are less likely to do anything that will upset your status.

  You may avoid anything that will cause people to judge you, which may involve not taking any risks or trying new things.

STOP COMPARING: When you compare, you are searching for some way that you one than others.

As a prideful person, you may tie your self-worth to what you have or what you have done.

  The healthiest form of self-worth, however, is connected to who you are it's not based on your achievements or belongings.

Ask questions: Pride and self consciousness often delude you into thinking you know all there is to know. And, If you don't, you wouldn't dare tell anyone.

  Overcome pride by admitting that you don't have all the answers


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